
Eco-Stylist is a sustainable fashion resource that curates a directory of ethical and sustainable brands. Their goal is to educate shoppers to a wealth of sustainable brands and to direct them to find sustainable alternatives to fast fashion clothing items.

Their mission is to encourage consumers to β€œshop like you give a damn.” They are aware of the lack of resources for consumers who are interested in learning more about ethical shopping habits.

Eco Stylist has created a curated list of brands that meet their criteria of sustainable and ethical practices as well as a β€œmarketplace” for sustainable shopping. This marketplace has a link to purchase each resource on the individual companies websites.





Figma, Figjam, Illustrator, Product Strategy, User Research, User Interviews, Wireframing, User Testing, Prototyping


3 weeks


End-to-end Product Designer


Eco-Stylist has an information overload problem that takes an intimidating subject and makes the data harder to grasp. When you visit the site for the first time it is hard to know where to start and how to make actionable decisions. Once you find an item you wish to purchase you are directed to the brand site to complete the task. Since there is no need to return to the site once an item is purchased elsewhere there is a disconnect created between the consumer and the Eco-Stylist ecosystem.

The site could benefit from updated information architecture and an integrated e-commerce experience to close the gap between researching items and purchasing them.


  • Localize e-commerce experience to

  • Educate visitors on sustainable clothing practices and resources

With these goals in mind, I was able to generate the following series of inquiries:

How might we?

  • Keep users on the site for longer periods of time?

  • Create a streamlined check-out experience?

  • Create a sense of community for sustainable fashion advocates?

EcoStylist Home Page
EcoStylist Clothing Category
EcoStylist Item Page


The online market for sustainable and ethical clothing is a rapidly growing, with new brands coming online daily and existing sites embracing new sustainable products every day. Eco-Stylist is in a situation where it can start to embrace the full range of e-commerce features to maximize marketability and encourages users to return time and time again.


The current process site is loosely organized as neither an e-commerce site or an informational site, it is a hybrid of the two that is struggling to find its identity.


My aim is to simplify the approach, keep the information digestible and accessible to all through streamlined flows.

The end goal is to create an internal marketplace feature so that users can shop eco-friendly items all in one area.

Original Eco Stylist Site Map
Simplified site map


Throughout a series of user interviews, I was able to determine key pain points that affected users experience when visiting Eco Stylist.


- No clear way to learn about the brands sustainability efforts

- There is no clear stance on if the site is structured for e-commerce or to share information about sustainability

- Inconsistencies between product image and product title cards

- No way to shop multiple brands in one place


After reviewing the data gathered during user interviews, I was able to look at the existing layout and information architecture and was able to block out reactions to the pain points that were discovered.

Updated Home Page Wireframe
Updated Category Page Wireframe
Updated Product Page Wireframe


Through usability testing and iterative design, I found that users preferred streamlined marketplace that led to an education moment about the processes involved in creating the sustainable clothing item. This simplified process allowed for users to discover products that suited their needs directly without having to hunt through educational pages for them.

Updated Home Page
Updated Category Page
Updated Product Page